The Arcanist's specialty skill known as Card Deck permits her draws random playing cards using a deck, which can be used to achieve numerous effects which range from providing an enhanced attack speed to making every attack have a greater chance of being a critical strike. The players can keep two cards drawn at a time to be utilized as they see it appropriate, creating potentially deadly combos.
Two major class engravings are available for players to choose from. Order of the Emperor places an emphasis on Normal skills as well as cards. It also improves the Deck mechanic by giving Normal attacks additional damage and Card Deck building up meter. The class also adds a powerful card, the Emperor to the deck of an Arcanist. Another engraving for the class, Empress's Grace, is focused on using The Arcanist's Stack and Ruin mechanics to cause greater amounts of damage.
For those eager get the Arcanist to the test, and have reached Punika in the game's storyline and are looking to upgrade, a Punika Powerpass that boosts the level of a power's item to 1,302 will be released on July 20, and the Express Event for item level 1,302 characters to continue progress to 1,370 level.
The Arcanist isn't the only class to be made available in the Western version of Lost Ark, with the Destroyer and Glaivier also having joined the free-to-play MMORPGs rosters in the last few months. There's a range of classes available in Korean version Lost Ark that Amazon and the developer Smilegate RPG are in the process of getting to the West which includes three classes: Scouter, Reaper, and Artist.
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