Wednesday, March 18, 2020 9:44 pm - 10:44 pm
Maryland, Anguilla
<strong>Phase One</strong><br/><br/>The first kind of motivation we all experience is based upon an emotional feeling. The feeling could be negative or favorable that kick-starts our desire. Maybe you read a success story about an individual losing a hundred pounds and since you resonated with the motivation it stimulated, you felt encouraged to begin your weight reduction journey too.<br/><br/>When they hear bad news from their doctor, frequently people feel suddenly inspired. When the physician drops the bomb-news, "You have diabetes" or "You are at threat for a cardiac arrest or stroke", we are afraid of what the future may hold and we spark up the fire to do something about it.<br/><br/>Both of these types of inspiration are just short-term. The initial burst of energy dissipates, and is not sustained by the inspiration or awaken call. Maybe you've been there?<br/><br/>Your eagerness to succeed and overcome should continue in order to keep the wheel rolling in a positive direction.<br/><br/><strong>Phase Two</strong><br/><br/>Another type of motivation already exists within you. You can be motivated to view tv instead of running the community. You can be motivated to eat a bowl of ice cream instead of preparing a much healthier treat.<br/><br/>A customer, who is on our weight reduction program, returned from lunch with a bag of junk food. When asked what inspired her to make an unhealthy choice, she addressed, "Because I seethed at my spouse."<br/><br/>There is always a reason behind it when we are encouraged to produce negative actions. In this case, screwing up foods would not repair the issue. Proper communication would have been a better choice.<br/><br/>Be conscious of where you point your inspiration. It's effective. Begin to develop awareness of what encourages you to make wrongful decisions for your health and well being. Consciously recognizing your 'sets off' will help you to laser focus your inspiration towards healthier goals.<br/><br/><strong>Phase Three</strong><br/><br/>When you dig deep and penetrate the real meaning behind the preliminary flame, Stage 3 goes into result. The supreme motivational coach, Tony Robbins, states feeling is the force of life. Make every effort to develop a connection with your feelings.<br/><br/>Make a list of your resources: journals, books, fitness center, coaches, dishes, or training programs, and apply your emotional resourcefulness. Use your decision, willpower, looking after yourself, interest and your enthusiasm. Combine the feeling with the resource for a strongly fueled motivation.<br/><br/><strong>Stage Four</strong><br/><br/>Living a fit lifestyle, opposed to temporary on-again-off-again habits, has a natural force that immediately renews its motivation. Phase 3 is included in service. Living as the example can motivate friends, family and neighbors. When you live your fact, you end up being a popular volunteer with understanding, and abilities to be shared. Motivating others will continue to ignite your drive and initiate a renewal of goals and achievements of your own.
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